代官山コレクションメディアプレス INFORMATION



弊社では個人情報を適切に保護することを重大な社会的責任と認識し、次の取り組みを推進します。業務上必要な範囲に限定して適切な手段で個人情報を収集します。収集時には利用、提供 及び預託の目的、お客様に対する窓口を明確にするとともに業務実態に応じた個人情報の適切な管理に努めます。 個人情報は、法律に基づく命令等を除いて、収集時に承諾を得た範囲外の利用、提供はしません。 個人情報への不正アクセス、個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん、漏えいなどの予防並びに是 正に関する適切な措置を講じます。

It is recognized as an important social responsibility that our company appropriately protects individual information, and promotes the following approach. It limits within the necessary range on the business and individual information is collected by an appropriate means. It tries to use when collecting, to clarify the window to the purpose and the customer of and Caco, and to manage individual information appropriately according to the business realities. It uses outside the range to have won approval when collecting excluding the instruction etc. based on the law, and individual information is not offered. It lectures on appropriate measures concerning the unlawful computer access to individual information, the loss, the destruction of individual information, the falsification, and prevention and the correction of the leakage etc.